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Couple Rings, which to choose?

It is the jewel par excellence and a guarantee of eternal love that every woman dreams of getting in her lifetime The coveted engagement ring. It does not matter if it's either a solitaire or trilogy it will bring the most happiness. Explore all engagement rings and choose the one that best suits your relationship.

Couple Braclets: The solitaire

The custom of gifting an engagement ring to women as a symbol of eternal love is very old. It was created by the Archduke Maximilian in Austria, who in 1477 presented an engagement ring that was solitaire with a diamond as a marriage promise to Mary of Burgundy.

The most recognizable option of all is based on the solitaire. It is a precious diamond that is set in a gold setting. Usually white, with sinuous and soft lines, the meaning is clear and precise: the one gem represents the strength of the bond and the preciousness of the feeling between two people.

The Trilogy

In second place in the ranking of the most common engagement rings we have the trilogy, one of the most classic and sought-after designs, made up of three diamonds that are usually brilliant cut. The meaning of the jewelry is romantic and profound. In fact, the three stones represent an infinity of a message of love: “I loved you", "I am in love with you", and "I will always cherish you". The other significance of this jewelry is equally romantic and tied to the number three which is a symbol of strength, purity and love.

Engagement rings: eternity

The eternity ring is a diamond ring with a full-circle. This model also has a romantic meaning and symbolizes an infinity love in the form of the sequence of stones on the setting. In terms of the selection of stones for this model, we could choose the more classic brilliant cut diamonds but also think about more contemporary and colorful options such as pink sapphires or rubies.

Where do you want to wear your engagement ring?

The promise ring is typically placed on the finger that holds the ring on the left hand, where the wedding ring will be placed in the near future. It is a very romantic choice because it is believed that a small vein, known as "vena Amoris" is found on this finger. It crosses the arm and connects directly to the heart. The engagement ring will be transferred to the other hand only for a specific day, the day of the wedding, to create space for a more significant and significant ring The two rings can be placed together and always on the ring finger of the left hand.




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